DMAE L-Bitartrate Powder


DMAE Bitartrate, also known as Dimethylaminoethanol, N, N-dimethyl-2-aminoethanol, or more commonly deanol, is a naturally occurring choline analog antioxidant. This choline analog antioxidant is produced naturally in the body while also found in fatty fish such as sardines, anchovies, and salmon. DMAE is combined with Bitartrate to form a stable salt. DMAE can be found typically in some food sources such as salmon or anchovies and also occurs naturally in the brain. DMAE is also believed to be responsible for the increase in ACH production. ACH, or Acetylcholine, is a neurotransmitter responsible for assisting nerve cells in sending signals. 

DMAE L-Bitartrate Potential Benefits Include:

· Acetylcholine Production †

· Increased Focus and Cognitive Function †

· Increased Athletic Performance †

· Sustained Healthy Metabolic Function †

